by Bob | Jul 4, 2024 | 2022 Superior Trustee Candidate
2016 Entry – The Millennium Falcon Nearly every year since 2009 our family has joined with friends and neighbors to enter a float into the Town of Superior’s 4th of July parade and Pancake Breakfast. What started on a lark with our 6 chickens and a goat...
by Bob | Sep 18, 2022 | 2022 Superior Trustee Candidate
Yesterday I attended Chilfest in a different way than I ever have before. This is one of my favorite events to attend but this time I was running for a Town Trustee position and had a booth for my candidacy. Sadly, I didn’t get much Chili but I did talk to quite...
by Bob | Sep 11, 2022 | 2022 Superior Trustee Candidate
This morning I was looking through pictures and found a folder from 2002 called “Original Town Pics” and was filled with sadness and overwhelmed with what I had just found! Not much needs to be said… it’s just about remembering a neighborhood...
by Bob | Sep 10, 2022 | 2022 Superior Trustee Candidate
I moved to Colorado in 1994 and started to work for the City of Boulder in the Public Works department. A year or so later an opening for a computer specialist became available in the Open Space department, I applied, got the job and my understanding and love for Open...
by Bob | Sep 9, 2022 | 2022 Superior Trustee Candidate
We bought our historic home (built in 1900) in Original Town in 1997 when this area of Town was a very quiet rural neighborhood. Nestled in the northwest area of superior west of McCaslin and south of highway 36 we would see less than 10 cars a day go by our home on...
by Bob | Sep 27, 2011 | Dad's Papers
This article was with Dad’s papers. Loren E. Bollinger is the author and co-wrote Beyond the Speed of Sound with Dad. I can only assume that this was written for “Science and You.” The article is very interesting and talks about the development of...
by Bob | Sep 12, 2011 | McCool Business
Now you can purchase your favorite Avon products from Mary Cianfrocco 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while still enjoying free delivery and the unmatched Avon tradition of personal service. When a phone call or a meeting with Mary is not an option, you can still place...
by Bob | Sep 12, 2011 | Garden & Chickens
Well, I decided at the beginning of the year that I wanted to grow a giant pumpkin. I bought a pack of seeds that said “Giant Pumpkin, up to 500lbs). 500 Lbs! Cool… Ok, that’s too big. Mostly I just wanted a bigger than normal pumpkin for Halloween...
by Bob | Sep 11, 2011 | Garden & Chickens
Welcome to our two newest hens. They are both Leghorns (you remember Foghorn Leghorn, right?). We have one other Leghorn named Jumpy who has been our best egg layer. So, when two of our Buff Orpingtons decided to spend all of their time brooding instead of laying we...
by Bob | Sep 11, 2011 | McCool Business
McCool Floors began business in 1997 with the purpose of providing the highest level of quality in flooring installations with expert craftsmanship, attention to detail, and the utmost in professionalism and respect for every customers’ project – be it large or...